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Bottle or Tap?

Choosing bottled water over tap water is no better for the body, and certainly no better for the planet. As Isabel Friend says, 'the shelves of bottled water in stores are graveyards'. In health conscious communities it is common to see bottled water, and with a rise in micro-plastics and knowledge of its detriment to Earth, we have to find better solutions. Fortunately if we choose to invest our time in learning how to turn tap water back into freshwater we don’t only benefit our own health, but the health and life of our families, communities and Earth.

Why do people go for the bottle as soon as they find out about their tap water?

  • It is convenient

  • It doesn't claim to be toxic

  • It looks fresh

  • The packet says it is healthy

We all know about the nasty chemicals coming from the tap, but why should we stay clear of bottles just as much?

  • On average, one credit cards worth of plastic is ingested every week if bottled water is consumed daily.

  • Bottled water is a 250 billion industry. When buying plastic bottles we are supporting corporations that are stealing water from Earth.

  • The environmental impact. Plastic is made of oil, so even if it's recycled the environmental impact has already been done pre-purchase. The chemicals within plastic are now being found to damage almost every living thing on Earth, causing imbalances everywhere we look.

  • Plastic is now being proven to be massively damaging the endocrine systems within animals and humans, this system plays a vital role in regulating and controlling our hormones, and is a reason for the rise in reproductive issues among men and women.

The Truth

Neither tap water nor bottled water is anywhere near the same as fresh water. One is no better than the other, the difference is not only what is in the water, but how the water moves, lives and is taken into the body. One question we might ask is.. what is easier to detox out of the body - chemicals or the plastic?

Unfortunately many parts of the world have to rely on bottled water to survive due to the toxic state of the water sheds or the lack of water all together, and many areas that have access to tap water are unable to build wells or forage for water. Our entire race is at war, the war on water is so easily dismissed and unseen here in the West due to our privileges, which we should be taking advantage of by learning and sharing about this topic just as much as we do with recycling. At one point, recycling was not only dismissed but unknown by many, now it is rare to find someone who will not point out the fact that you are not recycling properly. This gives us hope, especially considering the importance of water, and that - we are water.

The Solution

Investing our time in learning and sharing information with the people we know. With modern technology, science, and knowledge we are able to turn 'dead' unhealthy water back into 'alive' healthy water through a range of processes that include - filtering, structuring and energising. Fresh water is also available to be collected straight from mother Earth, as it always has been, so check out your local fresh water springs and wells. Many people are building their own wells or are bringing old well and water systems back to life.

The choice is ours and our voices have power. Awen, Wisdom Of The Wells

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