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Choosing a filter - what to look for, and how?

Updated: Oct 23, 2023

Choosing a filter - what are we looking for?

In the quest to consume fresh, healthy drinking water we are aiming to return the water from our taps back to its original state as closely as possible. Think about a clear stream running out of the side of a mountain, fresh and available to drink just as it is.. full of the necessary minerals and hydrating properties. It is possible to bring our tap water back to this state through a series of processes, the first and most important is filtering. When it comes to returning water back to its natural state through the process of filtering I am talking about mimicking the way Earth does it, and there are filtering methods that do not consider this, so while they filter out impurities they destroy the water in other ways, I discuss this further at the end of the blog.

The first step is to find out what is in the water that comes from your tap. Where did it originally come from? Do you live in a city where the water is recycled through the sewage back into your glass, or does your water come from a natural source and kept in a bulk container or reservoir? With either option, the cleansing and purifying processes that our bulk water has to go through before being safe to drink leave chemical contaminants that our bodies do not agree with.

The second step is to figure out what is left in this water. Is it hard or soft? What chemicals are used to clean the water, and how much of them is left? Are they really damaging to the human body? How does your water travel to your tap?

The third step is why you are here, to choose a filter. The reason this isn’t a simple job is because of the first two steps one has to go through, depending on where we are in the world and how reliable the words of our water supplies are depends on how long it can take to find the information we need, which in turn decides which filtering system is best for us.

It is also important to consider who the filter is for, the difference in deciding on what filter to use depends on whether the filter is for yourself, your whole family, if you live in a van and move around, are building a homestead, own a home or are renting one. These factors also play a role in the system you will choose. And of course, your budget for the filter itself and its replacement needs.

For many, this quest is enjoyable, a fun exploration into the history, structures and technologies surrounding where water comes from and what it can become, for others this is a huge chore which is why I am here to help you. If you wish to explore this by yourself, the internet is your best friend. If you are suspicious about the reliability if your water suppliers you can investigate further, you can buy tests to examine your water and contact the suppliers by telephone or email. If you wish to stop here and allow someone else to do the research, I am available to help you. You can contact me via my email or social media pages linked at the bottom of this page, where we can discuss further options, all depending on where you are in the world.

Hourly Rate - £15 per hour - if you decide you would like me to guide you. We start off with a zoom call where we go through the research together of you can leave it up to me.

As I mentioned above, filtering is the first and most important process we can put water though to return it to it’s natural state. It is also the most well known, if not the only well-known process. The other processes include structuring, feeding and energising. Think about why we, and other animals alike, drink water in the first place - because of what it contains. When I say ‘feeding’ the water I am talking about either adding the necessary minerals and electrolytes back into the water, or making sure we do not get rid of them while filtering, this is why methods such as distilling or reverse osmosis are not as beneficial as they may be made out to be.

My service will provide answers to these questions..

What is in my water?

Where does it come from?

What filtering systems suit me best? Depending on..

  • Budget

  • Family

  • Current state of tap water

  • Where you live

  • Filter replacement needs and yearly costs

& if you wish to go deeper, you can find out how to further replenish your water quality through structuring and energising. It might even be possible for you to collect fresh spring water, removing all of these steps all together! We can most definitely discuss this too.

What ever you choose to do, myself and the water sheds of this Earth we call home thank you deeply for your consideration and time spent with such an important, life serving topic. We are lucky, privileged and grateful to have the option to make these decisions. Thank you for starting this quest, a quest that truly began at the beginning of time itself.

Stella Sheppard, Wisdom Of The Wells.

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If you wish to dive deeper into the science behind what I know, my teacher, a

water scientist and heavily experienced guide has courses that I would shout out about from the rooftops if given the chance. Here are the links to the courses where you can get 10% off if you choose to purchase them from now until the end of the year 2022.

10% OFF 'Water Is Life' courses -

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